Financial Details

EIN: 88-0642969

Rescuing special needs goldens has really become our life’s mission, but it’s expensive. We’re just getting started, so we don’t have Foundation expenses from last year. However, we can share the expenses that we had last year to give you an idea of what this costs.

To care for six special needs goldens, the vet bills, after pet insurance reimbursement, were $35,576 in 2021. That does not include prescription medicine, prescription food, toys, training for recalcitrant dogs, or other supplies. Pet insurance does not cover most expenses for these dogs because they come in to rescue with pre-existing conditions.

Consider Voodoo, an epileptic dog.


Voodoo has cluster seizures which require him to be hospitalized to control them. He is also on six different medications. His veterinary and medical costs for the past 12 months are:

Neurology Hospital Stay$4,327
Neurology emergency medicine$196
MRI and Neurology Hospital Stay$6,894
Neurology Hospital Stay$2,315
Neurology Hospital Stay$3,292
Neurology emergency medicine$236
Neurology Consult$150
Emergency vet$189
Emergency vet$751
Daily Prescription Medicine (year total)$4,254
Knee Surgery (CCL tear)$5,557
Epileptic prescription food$696

The Golden Ratio Foundation strives to give dogs like Voodoo the highest quality of life despite their many health issues. And the fact that you’re here means that you want to join in that journey. The Foundation will not just help support the medical costs of our squad, but to help improve the lives of other dogs.

The Golden Ratio Foundation will support charities that do medical research to help understand the origins and treatments for dogs with conditions like ours have, as well as charities that support other dogs in need of the kind of care we give.